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Dive Deeper into Your Potential

Join Brian on a transformative journey beyond the surface, where the Conscious Transformation Blueprint guides you towards holistic abundance and profound well-being.


Over 8 weeks, Brian combines ancient spiritual practices with cutting-edge neuroscience insights to lead you on a profound exploration of self-discovery, growth, and balance.


Conscious Transformation Blueprint

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What You Will Experience:


  • In-Depth, Personalised Coaching: Brian’s approach goes beyond traditional coaching, delving into the realms of holistic abundance and well-being to nurture your growth from the inside out.

  • A Fusion of Spirituality and Science: Engage in a curriculum that marries ancient wisdom with modern science, enriching your understanding of mindfulness, balance, and purpose.

  • Path to Holistic Growth: Tailored practices aimed at relieving stress, improving self-talk, processing emotions, and finding life balance form the cornerstone of the Conscious 

  • Transformation Blueprint.

Kind Words

"Brian has been instrumental in helping me become more present in my life,
enabling me to savor every small moment and cultivate gratitude. Through our
sessions, we've explored various breathing techniques, engaged in different
exercises, and had meaningful conversations. Thanks, Brian!"


- Santiago Lopez Guiñazu, Argentina

Detailed Program Structure:
8 Weeks 

Dive deep into a carefully curated 3-month journey, meticulously designed to nurture every facet of your being.

Weekly Group Sessions:

Participate in 90-minute interactive sessions where Brian guides you through practices for stress relief, mindfulness, emotional balance, and more.

Initiate your path with introspective exploration, allowing Brian to understand your unique essence and tailor the program to your individual needs.

Discovery Period Pre-Coaching:
Personal coaching sessions:

Benefit from four tailored one-on-one sessions with Brian, including preparatory and concluding sessions to reflect on your journey and plan for sustained growth.

Ongoing Support and Resources:

Access a vibrant community for continuous support, alongside weekly inspirational content and optional daily practices to reinforce your learning and integration.

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Weekly themes:


  • Holistic Abundance: Redefining wealth beyond material success.

  • Mindful Awareness: Enhancing self-talk and mindfulness in daily life.

  • Emotional Resonance: Cultivating emotional intelligence for inner harmony.

  • Energetic Balance: Managing energy through yoga, meditation, and breathwork.

  • Purposeful Living: Clarifying life's purpose and direction.

  • Behavioural Transformation: Shifting patterns for lasting change.

  • Lifestyle Integration: Embedding practices into your daily routine for holistic well-being.

  • Continued Growth Path: Planning for a future of ongoing transformation and abundance.

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Is This for You?

Embarking on Your Transformation:

With Brian's "Conscious Transformation Blueprint," you're embarking on a life-changing journey towards a more meaningful, balanced, and abundant life.

This experience is designed to transform you from the inside out, providing the tools and support needed for holistic growth and profound well-being.


Are you ready to explore the depth of your potential and embrace a life of conscious choice?


Enrol now and take the first step on your transformative journey.

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